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View recent info on submitting test kits during the holidays here

  • No referral needed from your family doctor
  • Compose your own research
  • Puncture points throughout the Netherlands

What is a Normal Blood Sugar Value? (3)

Your blood sugar levels are important for good health. Especially if you have diabetes or are at risk for it, it is important to check these values regularly. A healthy lifestyle, with a balanced diet and regular exercise


    • HOMA IR (12 hours fasting)+HbA1C

    HOMA IR (12 hours fasting)+HbA1C

    € 49,- € 49,-

    Homa-ir is a measurement of Glucose and Insulin in which a prediction is given on h...

    • HbA1c - Finger prick

    HbA1c - Finger prick

    € 25,-

    Diabetes? Diabetes the HbA1c finger prick test sees what has been going on with your su...

    • Blood test Weight Loss

    Blood test Weight Loss

    € 129,- € 97,-

    Insulin resistance and cholesterol risk index are mapped with this blood test...

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