Search results for intestinal inflammation
Bowel Health Screening
When you start this screening you will have a complete overview of your gut health. If there is something out of balance in combination with your symptoms, you can continue to search specifically from this screening in consultation with the colon therapist.
€ 349,-
PDS stool test RP with Candida
Following the findings of your doctor/therapist, a gut imbalance is suspected. Gain insight into the condition of your gut.
-24% Sale
259,- € 197,-
Gliadin IgA + IgG
Gliadin is a gluten protein that can trigger intestinal inflammation (including celiac disease and Crohn's disease) and contains the most exorphins.
€ 58,-
If Crohn's disease or another chronic inflammatory bowel disease is suspected, stool samples can be used to diagnose Crohn's disease.
€ 47,-
Gliadin - IgG
Gliadin is a gluten protein that can trigger intestinal inflammation (including celiac disease and Crohn's disease) and contains the most exorphins.
€ 29,-
Lactose Intolerance
In the GENETICA-DNA RESEARCH department, we can examine whether there is a hereditary predisposition for lactose intolerance.
€ 269,-
Anti-gliadin RP
Gliadin is a gluten protein that can trigger intestinal inflammation (including celiac disease and Crohn's disease) and contains the most exorphins.
€ 79,-
Inflammation screening RP stool
Inflammation screening consisting of calprotectin, lactoferrin, hemoglobin and transferrin in stool.
€ 79,-
Gliadin IgA
Gliadin is a gluten protein that can trigger intestinal inflammation (including celiac disease and Crohn's disease) and contains the most exorphins.
€ 29,-