Tacrolimus blood test
Tacrolimus Advagraf FK506 Prograf Tacrolimus (EDTA blood
)Immunosuppression medication level.
For extra interim measurements during your treatment.
Blood sampling immediately before resuming medication
Tacrolimus is an immunosuppressant and is used, among other things, for the prophylaxis of rejection of allogeneic transplants of the kidney (adults), heart, lungs, stem cell transplant and liver, and for the treatment of rejection of allogeneic transplants of the liver, kidney and heart after previous treatment with other immunosuppressants. regular monitoring of blood levels is essential because of the narrow therapeutic spectrum (above and below a certain blood level it can be toxic or ineffective).
The dosage should be adjusted partly on the basis of blood concentrations according to the patient's individual condition.
You usually have to take tacrolimus for life. It is important for the transplanted organ that you do not miss a dose. Do you notice that you can't always do that? Talk to your doctor about it.
You may experience hand tremors, headaches, insomnia, dizziness, gastrointestinal problems. You may get an infection more often. Report to your doctor if you have a fever, sore throat or flu.
Your doctor will check your blood regularly for any side effects, but if you want a more frequent measurement you can order this test.
Tacrolimus has interactions with other drugs. Therefore, have your pharmacist check that you can safely use tacrolimus with your other medications, including those you bought without a prescription.