fat profile stool
Fat/digestion (quantitative) from faeces kurzel code: FETTST
Dysbiosis Bak Untersuchung.
bacteriology department.
Clinical indications: Suspected malabsorption and malignancy, disorders of exocrine pancreatic function.
For measuring pancreatic function, the determination of pancreatic elastase in stool is preferred.
Method used: PHOT
Reference result is good if it is lower than 2%.
An increased concentration of fats in the stool is found in malabsorption* or malignancy (for example, in chronic pancreatitis).
The examination is almost not done anymore because in the meantime there are more diagnostically effective determinations that give more information.
*Malabsorption is a problem with digestion or absorption of nutrients. When nutrients are not adequately absorbed into the blood from the gastrointestinal tract. A disturbance in the digestion, absorption and transport (through the blood and lymph) of nutrients.
This may involve one particular or a whole range of nutrients. Malobsorption causes malnutrition or anemia.