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  • fat profile stool
  • fat profile stool

fat profile stool

    Fat/digestion (quantitative) from feces. Clinical indications: Suspected malabsorption and malignancy disorders of exocrine pancreatic function.


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    1853 reviews



    Very nice agency. I have a full check done annually and am very satisfied. Result of the test comes quickly and customer service is easily accessible.



    Super fast, received results of extensive blood test after only one week

    Product Description

    fat profile stool

    Fat/digestion (quantitative) from faeces kurzel code: FETTST

    Dysbiosis Bak Untersuchung.

    bacteriology department.

    Clinical indications: Suspected malabsorption and malignancy, disorders of exocrine pancreatic function.

    For measuring pancreatic function, the determination of pancreatic elastase in stool is preferred.

    Method used: PHOT

    Reference result is good if it is lower than 2%.

    An increased concentration of fats in the stool is found in malabsorption* or malignancy (for example, in chronic pancreatitis).
    The examination is almost not done anymore because in the meantime there are more diagnostically effective determinations that give more information.

    *Malabsorption is a problem with digestion or absorption of nutrients. When nutrients are not adequately absorbed into the blood from the gastrointestinal tract. A disturbance in the digestion, absorption and transport (through the blood and lymph) of nutrients.
    This may involve one particular or a whole range of nutrients. Malobsorption causes malnutrition or anemia.


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      Fat/digestion (quantitative) from feces. Clinical indications: Suspected malabsorption and m...

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      fat profile stool

      € 45,-