Finger Prick Testing
Gain insight into your health? You can easily do that from home with our finger prick tests! Referral from a doctor is not necessary. Unique: combine multiple tests with only 1 finger prick
HbA1c - Finger prick
Diabetes? Diabetes the HbA1c finger prick test sees what has been going on with your sugar levels over the past few months.
€ 25,-
hs-CRP inflammation value - Finger prick
An elevated hs-CRP (high sensitive CRP) can indicate inflammation in the body and is often used as a marker for cardiovascular disease risk.
€ 19,-
PSA Prostate for men - Finger prick
If the PSA in the blood is elevated, this may indicate prostate cancer, but it does not have to be. PSA is also elevated in inflammation of the prostate and in the benign disease BPH.
€ 35,-
Estradiol/Oestrogen - Finger prick
Estradiol is the main female sex hormone. Oestradiol is necessary for the normal development of the female sex characteristics.
€ 29,-
Calcium - Finger prick
The amount of calcium in the blood is maintained by parathyroid hormone parathormone (PTH) and vitamin D. Read more here.
€ 9,-
Chloride - Finger prick
Chloride is an electrolyte a negatively charged ion that interacts with other electrolytes such as sodium potassium and bicarbonate (all charged ions).
€ 9,-
Cortisol - Finger prick
Cortisol is needed to cope with stressful situations. But if the stress hormone is coursing through our veins for too long, there can be consequences.
€ 29,-
CK (creatine kinase) - Finger prick
Creatine kinase (CK) To determine if a person has had muscle damage in the body. This finger prick test can be used to measure overtraining in athletes
€ 9,-
Creatinine - Finger prick
Creatinine rises in the blood with impaired kidney function because supply remains the same while excretion decreases.
€ 9,-
FSH - Finger prick
The main hormone produced under the influence of LH and FSH in men is testosterone. In women, FSH can be determined to determine if the woman is menopausal (menopause).
€ 25,-
LH hormone - Finger prick
LH is produced in the pituitary gland and stimulates ovulation and then the production of progesterone in the woman.
€ 25,-