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    lactoferrin RP

      Stool test whether harmful substances occur in the intestines due to intestinal bacteri en eumln: haemolysin and urease gelatinase catalase and coagulase.


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      • No referral needed from your family doctor
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      • Puncture points throughout the Netherlands

      1853 reviews



      Very nice agency. I have a full check done annually and am very satisfied. Result of the test comes quickly and customer service is easily accessible.



      Super fast, received results of extensive blood test after only one week

      Product Description

      lactoferrin RP

      RP stool test Lactoferrin.

      This is a multifunctional protein and an essential component of the innate immune system. It is found in cow's milk and human breast milk. Lactoferrin is an iron-binding glycoprotein with antibacterial, antioxidant, antiparasitic, antiviral and anticarcinogenic activity. It inhibits pathogens and activates other enzymes to clean up the remnants of pathogens.
      The measurement of lactoferrin in feces clarifies immune weaknesses and provides a clear indication of therapy to be initiated in inflammation and immune deficiencies.

      Lactoferrin is a protein that occurs naturally in the human body and plays an important role in defense against infection. An increased concentration of lactoferrin in the stool may indicate inflammation of the intestinal tract.

      A fecal lactoferrin test is therefore often used to diagnose and monitor inflammatory bowel diseases such as Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. These conditions are characterized by inflammation of the intestinal wall and can lead to symptoms such as abdominal pain, diarrhea, bloody stools and weight loss.

      A lactoferrin test can also be used to monitor the effectiveness of treatment for these conditions. If the concentration of lactoferrin in the stool decreases after treatment, this may be an indication that the inflammation is decreasing and that the treatment is effective.

      Reference Value

      This parameter is a qualitative determination (negative = 0 / positive = 1)

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        lactoferrin RP

        € 39,-