Cycling test
At the request of Adri van Diemen from Webtrainer, we have put together a test for the guidance of cyclists.
This test consists of:
- Blood count
- Hemoglobin (Hb) - Anemia - General symptoms of fatigue
- Leucocytes - White blood cells - Infections
- Platelets (Thrombocytes) - Prevention of Blood Loss
- Erythrocytes - Red blood cells - Anemia
- Hematocrit - Anemia - Fluid shortage
- New as of 01-01-2024: RDW-CV (Redd Cell Distrubution Weight)
- Ferritin
- Creatinine
- Hs-CRP (high sensitive)
- Cortisol
- Testosterone
You can also enter these results into InsideTracker for personalized explanation and advice in your sports dashboard.